Acupuncture Can Restore Balance, Bring Focus and Productivity
Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine,(TCM) take a holistic, or whole-body approach to health. Qi(chee) is the vital energy that animates the body and protects it from illness. It flows through pathways called meridians to nourish all of the bodies organs, muscles, and cells. When there is an imbalance or blockage in the flow of Qi physical symptoms such pain may result which translate to lack of productivity and focus. When we are in physical or emotional pain we cannot feel productive and focused. Our natural defenses in our body are mainly focused on helping us heal and send signals such as pain to stop us from continuing to damage our bodies. With acupuncture we can reduce the pain, identify and treat the underlying causes and bring us back to being balanced productive and focused at work.
At East West Herzliya Center, Dr Zisman recommends herbs, changes in diet, stretches, Body-Emotional Balancing(BEB) treatment, therapeutic massage and other exercises to work in conjunction with Acupuncture. These adjunct therapies help you regain your health and prevent future problems.
Acupuncture is safe, natural and has no side –effects
Acupuncture For Productivity And Focus When Working Long Hours
We are most focused and productive when:
- We are active, creative, clear-minded and well rested.
- Our bodies feel alive and healthy, well fed and hydrated with smart food choices and nutrients for our mind and body.
- We do proper physical activity to bring vital blood flow to our organs, muscles, and ligaments
- Our postures are ergonomically correct and relaxed while sitting long hours in front a computer screen.
- We feel emotionally clear, centered, motivated, determined; while being flexible, open, willing and able to receive new awareness and information
Acupuncture for Productivity and Focus
At some point in our lives each of us will sometime experience some type of imbalance such as neck pain, back pain, extremity pain, dry eyes, migraines, lack of focus and concentration, emotional stress, insomnia, and weight gain. Unfortunately, we are human and we don’t always follow what we are supposed to do. This is when we need something, somebody, some technique, to assist us to work through our rough spots.
Neck pain: The neck is one of the most flexible and delicate parts of the body. Throughout our daily activities many of us put stress in our necks without even realizing it. Neck pain can be caused by a wide range of factors, including wear- and –tear, strains and sprains, or inflammation. As well ,feeling great responsibility and stress, emotionally feeling that we have the world on your shoulders, which can also affect our shoulders, arms, wrists and hands.
Back pain: strained muscles and ligaments cause by improper lifting, sudden movements, sitting or standing for long periods of time, traumatic injury, emotional stress dealing with financial and fearful events, arthritis, structural abnormalities of the spine, disks between the vertebrae bulging or rupturing and pressing on a nerve.
If you suffer from neck and back pain whether its occasional or chronic Acupuncture and TCM may provide the relief you need.
What’s behind the pain?
Bad Posture: bending or hunching forward from prolonged periods can cause strains (overstretched muscles) or sprains(injuries to ligaments). This can happen at work when sitting in front of the computer, during long drives, when reading or working in bed, talking on the phone, sleeping in an awkward position or standing long periods of time.
Stress and Emotional Issues: being stressed, anxious, fearful, frustrated can cause tension in the muscles of your neck, shoulder, and back.
How Qi Pain is diagnosed in TCM terms?
When Qi becomes stagnant, unbalanced or deficient symptoms such as pain, ache and inflammation can result and can be caused from injury and illness to emotional stress or external invaders such as wind, cold, heat or dampness.
Qi and Blood Stagnation: a sudden “stabbing”, severe pain, related to sprains, strains, and trauma accompanied by stiffness and tightness and becomes worst with rest. If it occurs often in the same location it may reflect an underlying deficiency.
Cold, Damp Qi Obstruction: pain worse in the morning exacerbated by cold and damp weather associated with numbness, swelling and a sense of “heaviness” that feel better with heat.
Qi Deficiency: a chronic condition presenting with a “dull” pain and improves with rest.
Acupuncture is safe, natural and has no side –effects
The World Health Organization (WHO), whose authority concerning health-related matters internationally cannot be challenged, has compiled a list of symptoms, syndromes, disease processes, pathologies, traumas and conditions that have definitely been proven as effectively treated by Acupuncture.
In an official report, Acupuncture: Review and Analysis of Reports on Controlled Clinical Trials, the WHO (WHO) has listed the following symptoms, diseases and conditions that have been shown through controlled trials to be treated effectively by acupuncture:
- low back pain
- neck pain
- sciatica
- tennis elbow
- knee pain
- periarthritis of the shoulder
- sprains
- facial pain (including craniomandibular disorders)
- headache
- dental pain
- tempromandibular (TMJ) dysfunction
- rheumatoid arthritis
- induction of labor
- correction of malposition of fetus (breech presentation)
- morning sickness
- nausea and vomiting
- postoperative pain
- stroke
- essential hypertension
- primary hypotension
- renal colic
- leucopenia
- adverse reactions to radiation or chemotherapy
- allergic rhinitis, including hay fever
- biliary colic
- depression (including depressive neurosis and depression following stroke)
- acute bacillary dysentery
- primary dysmenorrhea
- acute epigastralgia
- peptic ulcer
- acute and chronic gastritis
At East West Herzliya Center, Dr Zisman recommends changes in diet, stretches, Body-Emotional Balancing(BEB) treatment, therapeutic massage, herbs and other exercises to work in conjunction with Acupuncture. These adjunct therapies help you regain your health and prevent future problems
Here is additional information i found in Harvard Business Review
Six Ways to Supercharge Your Productivity
What, in short, does it take to be productive and efficient in a world of infinitely rising demand, and endless potential distractions? By productive, I mean generating goods and services with lasting value. By efficient, I mean doing so with the least amount of unnecessary expenditure of time and energy.
Here are Six Behaviors…
- Make sufficient sleep a top priority. Schedule your bedtime, and start winding down at least 45 minutes earlier. Ninety-eight percent of all human beings need at least 7-8 hours a night to feel fully rested. Only a fraction of us get that much regularly, in part because we buy into the myth that sacrificing an hour or two of sleep a night give us an hour more of productivity. In reality, even small amounts of sleep deprivation take a dramatic toll on our cognitive capacity, our ability to think creatively, our emotional resilience, the quality of our work, and even the speed at which we do it.
- Create one to-do list that includes everything you want or need to do, on and off the job — and I mean everything, including any unresolved issues that merit further reflection….. Writing everything down helps get it off your mind, leaving you free to fully focus on what’s most important at any given moment.
- Do the most important thing first when you get to work each morning, when you’re likely to be have the highest energy and the fewest distractions. Decide the night before what activity most deserves your attention. Then focus on it single-mindedly for no more than 90 minutes. Productivity isn’t about how many tasks you complete or the number of hours you work. It’s about the enduring value you create.
- Live like a sprinter, not a marathoner. When you work continuously, you’re actually progressively depleting your energy reservoir as the day wears on. By making intermittent renewal and refueling (acupuncture, yoga, breathing exercises, are)important, you’re regularly replenishing your reservoir, so you’re not only able to fully engage at intervals along the way, but also to maintain high energy much further into the day.
- Monitor your mood. When demand begins to exceed your capacity, one of the most common signs is an increase in negative emotions (which acupuncture and Body-Emotional Balancing(BEB)can help you). The more we move into “fight or flight,” the more reactive and impulsive we become, and the less reflective and responsive. The first question to ask yourself is “Why am I feeling this way, and what can I do to make myself feel better?” It may be that you’re hungry, tired, overwhelmed, or feeling threatened in some way. Awareness is the first step. You can’t change what you don’t notice.
- Schedule specific times for activities in your life that you deem important but not urgent. With so much coming at you all the time, it’s easy to focus all day on whatever feels most pressing in the moment. What you sacrifice is the opportunity to take on work such as writing, strategizing, thinking creatively, or cultivating relationships, which may require more time and energy, but often yield greater long-term rewards (like taking an acupuncture break to recharge your mind).
():added in the article by East West Herzliya