At East West Herzliya Dr. Aliza Zisman believes Anti-aging Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture is true Traditional Chinese Medicine and it’s not just about the face; it’s about the whole body. Feel younger — Look younger – while improving your energy from the inside out. Chinese Medicine is a proper anti-aging medicine.
Anti-aging Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture, Facelift Acupuncture or Cosmetic Acupuncture is a form of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), designed to free up chi, or energy. Dr Zisman at East West Hezliya applies approximately 30-40 needles to the body and face, stimulating the production of collagen and elastin, skin is plumped up minimizing wrinkles and signs of aging in the face. Zisman at East West Herzliya addresses other parts of the body in addition to the face, since acupuncture assists the body’s ability to support the “facelift.”
At East West Hezliya we offer a series of 10 treatments (twice a week for five weeks), skin becomes more delicate and fair, and there are fewer wrinkles. These treatments reduces fine lines, shows less obvious deeper lines, less sagginess, lifts droopy eyelids, clears or reduces age spots, nurtures a healthier complexion, creates a better state of mind, and an overall rejuvenation. Facelift or Cosmetic acupuncture is another alternative for women and men wanting a more organic way to look and feel younger by allowing the body- itself create a more youthful appearance and offer another option to surgical facelift, or botox.”
Anti-aging Facial Rejuvenation
200₪ for new patient appointment with Dr. Zisman Appointments are 1 hour.
The visit does not include the cost of herbs or supplements.
To schedule a visit, click on the “book now” button.
Anti-aging Facial Rejuvenation packages are available.1,000 ₪ for 8 treatments within a month for best results.
Dr. Aliza Zisman L.Ac
East West Herzliya Center
972-54-3178448+ Israel
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